Sunday, 28 October 2007

Oh God help me.

Oh God help me.
I'm falling
I can't see where I am
I can't see a kind face
Black depression and failure haunt my nights
They fill me with thoughts of death
Hope and peace are pushed aside
As the selfish, insatiable beasts seek to devour my life
Restore my strength and faith
Give me a place to rest from the constant pain
Let me find hope

Saturday, 13 October 2007

Failure and waste

Can you define your life?
Can you be cold and clinical about yourself?
Can you stop emotion from clouding your mind?
I can't
Failure and waste.

Sunday, 30 September 2007


I remember your skin.I remember touching your face.I remember lying beside you, watching your face as you sleep. Your eyes closed peaceful and happy.

I remember waking up. My arms wrapped around you. You would nuzzle close. Wrap your breasts with my arms and let your skin absorb the memory.

Making love, dreaming.

Sunday, 16 September 2007



I feel so alone. Empty. Lost. Sinking in my putrid uselessness.
Is there no one who can save me? They all drift by, just staring and bored.
Hope seems to evade me. Hiding in shame.
You come here to work.
You come for yourself.
Deceit and selfishness are cloaked by your name.

Sunday, 2 September 2007

It's like a toothache. You can't escape the constant reminder of your loss. You have to be busy with an objective, a goal. This replaces the opportunities to think about your problems and forces you to concentrate on work.

Living a disabled life is like walking across a never ending dessert. You can't stand still, it's a constant battle and there's little sign or hope of relief.

On this journey you meet many. Some will walk with you and keep you going most will be distracted and leave, despite promises. The traveller has to keep walking. The choices are limited and pleasures few. Hope, faith and love are your true friends. Never rob or deny another any of these.

Sunday, 8 July 2007

They can't see

They tell me we are all just animals underneath
They tell me that basic needs and desires drive us
They tell me it's normal

They don't tell me how to deal with the empty nights
They don't tell me how to feel a loving touch
They don't tell me

They can't understand the loneliness
They can't comprehend the emptiness
They can't see my body is longer my friend

They can see but they can't see me.

Sunday, 29 April 2007

My early letters contained this (November 2003) as part of a letter to friends and colleagues.


Facing reality. A phrase we all use at various stages of our lives. We use it to give us resolve. To clarify our options. To justify our choices .

Often we combine this with the sentiment, "at least we don't have it as bad as ..." and make reference to someone we know in a worse state.

We might adopt a more optimistic stance and count our blessings. With words like "at least we still have our health ".

Some of us simply can't deal with reality and prefer to ignore it. Does it exist if I can't see it? We try to "sleep" it off, in the vain hope it will go away.

Blame can also be an effective tool in the short term. We blame others, we blame circumstances or the system. It is easier to be the victim than to deal with your difficulties.

Self-pity is a very common place to end up. We can get many people to sympathise and feed self-pity and often it's easier to choose "friends "who do this at the exclusion of others.

The rebel or fighter might simply apply the hate filled strategy "I won't let the b?????ds get me down ".

My life has changed irreversibly and inexplicably. My days are slow and my nights even slower. Each moment is filled with pain and frustration which subsides at night after a sleeping tablet. I face the prospect of a life devoid of physical contact except when being bathed or dressed. I have not changed, but my ability to walk, move and talk has. I can't shake hands or initiate any contact but I appreciate a reassuring pat or a kiss on the cheek.

How do you face the reality of paralysis and loss of speech?

I focus on getting through each day. I fail often. I do the best I can.In reality I can do no more.

Monday, 23 April 2007

Don't waste time holding on to things that hurt. Don't take pride in your pain. Don't wear your suffering like a cross. Let your spirit soar,set it free from the heavy weight of a a bad memory. Your heart is a dove not a rock, desire freedom, hope, love be not afraid or lethargic.

The cost of freedom is paid once. Fear and lethargy require regular payment and are never satisfied.

Love freely, without concern for compensation.

Help me God.

Tuesday, 10 April 2007

It's like this, you hang in, you're "brave ", "courageous". You know the truth?It's rubbish. It takes even more courage to admit you want to give up and face the failure. To hate your life and your loneliness to see your children grow up and drift out of touch. To see your family and friends put you into the "duty box".

So you lust after the admiration, the weak praise, the fleeting visit. The "braver" you are the fewer the visits. So weakness is despised, a turn-off,a downer, a good reason to stay away. Strength on the other hand, takes the pressure off. Either way just ignore the problem, he'll go away, he's fine.

Monday, 9 April 2007

The senseless feeling.

Aching for attention, my restless body and mind wage war.
The body bound in paralysis the body urges the mind for some intimacy.
The fruitless hope of thought mocks the mind at the realisation of the same familiar pattern.

Am I just too proud?
Can't I admit my need?
Too weak to show my vulnerability?

I lie awake, tortured.
Desire unfulfilled.
Hope in what?

A piece, a slither, a crack in the doorway of hope.
No hope lies beyond.
Can I find peace?

Saturday, 7 April 2007


13 September 2004

I cried today.
Big sobs,
as the tears rolled down my cheeks.
I am tired of fighting,
Tired of stumbling,
Tired of the emptiness

It’s a hopeless thing.
To get up each day,
After a restless night
To find courage, purpose and will
To do it all again
Only, what for?

Where the companion to wipe away the tears.?
To soothe the everlasting pain?
To remind me of a better time.
Echoes are the only sound
Only emptiness echoes,
People fill the space where echoes live.

Loneliness and echoes,
The only friends
In emptiness.

Thursday, 22 March 2007

Talking about childhood ambition. I never knew what I wanted. I followed my heart. I have been on a real roller-coaster ride, going to University with a secondhand motorbike and nothing else. Running out of petrol and finding a place to stay on the first day.

Finishing my degree I was selected to do an annual expedition to the Antarctic for a year.

My life has been fun doing impulsive,adventurous things.

However, when 16 or 18 I remember looking out of a bus window, while the days events passed through my mind. I reflected that I could not and would not be able to live if I was paralysed below my neck.

Well this nightmare became reality. I am paralysed and I am "doing "the life. I live on my own now and I am determined to make a success of the rest of my life.

Friday, 16 March 2007

Have you ever been in a bad mood which just makes you want to scream!

Imagine This
Can you imagine waking up on a beautiful day and spending 3 hrs getting pushed and prodded to get you showered and dressed?
Can you imagine sitting in a wheelchair, uncomfortable and paralysed?
Can you imagine the guilt you feel when you snarl and snap at the poor person doing their best to care for you?
Can you imagine how all the pain and frustration, the loneliness and unmet, unfulfilled desires descend into your mind?
When you can then,
Can you imagine how you hate yourself?

Sunday, 11 March 2007

A Patients Perspective

I wrote the following after a year in hospital. I used an adapted laptop and worked every day in a small office. It took me several weeks, its un-finished and un-edited.

Stoke Mandeville Hospital: A Patient’s Perspective

Why do we spend the huge levels on health that we do, and still not cope with the budget?
Are we concerned with rehabilitating people with spinal injuries?
Do we care about the quality of life of SI people?
How well do we perform vs other nations?

How well do we deal with the range of disabilities?

I don’t have the answers to these questions but will try to address issues experienced during my stay at Stoke Mandeville Hospital spinal unit. as a tetraplegic patient

My name is Julius Ladwig, I have been injured since the 8th June 2002. I am severely disabled, a Tetraplegic, at C2/3. All my movement is affected, from my nose to my toes, in other words I cannot speak, swallow, use my arms, or walk. Due to the incomplete nature of the injury, I have had some recovery to my speech and swallow, and some hand movement (although this is very small).

My experiences over the last year have been the basis for much of this document, but I have drawn on years of experience at management level in a large multinational.

This has been written with the use of a specially adapted computer.

The role of the hospital / NHS

The sooner a person can return to an independent life the better for them, society and the country. The NSIC has devoted itself to ensuring that people with spinal injury are able to achieve a level of independence and dignity to enable them to return to being productive members of society.

The role of the hospital / NHS is to provide facilities and an environment so that a patient will be rehabilitated:

1. quickly,

2. effectively,

3. efficiently.

To achieve this an holistic approach to care is essential, encompassing all needs: –

1. physical

2. emotional./psychological

3. social

4. spiritual

Essential points that should be remembered throughout:

- staff are at the heart of success of this process.

- patient’s duty is to maximise the benefits of being at the NSIC

- a patients rehabilitation is likely to be a long term effort therefore returning to normal life will be traumatic.

A Patient`s Personal Perspective

The majority of patients would experience some aspects of this document but for completeness, their views are essential.

From being bedridden for several months to now where I’m mobile (in a powered wheelchair) I have experienced 3 wards and many different staff, that I have decided to write about my experiences. I have in general seen a large commitment by the staff. Unfortunately this has diminished with recent moves to change the wards. I hope this will give some guidance to the reader.

Tetraplegia and its implications

Physical Needs

Tetraplegia can have many different forms, but most tetraplegics are very reliant on others for all aspects of daily care. The result of this is a greater burden on hospital staff. No account of this has been taken for any possible changes to the wards organisation. The recommendation for my level of disability is, 1 full time carer with part-time help for transfers. However, the staff levels have got worse as I have moved along the path of rehabilitation, which has resulted in less opportunity to participate in activities to help my rehabilitation. For example I have skipped several hydrotherapy sessions because of insufficient staff to care for tetraplegics. This cannot be blamed on individuals on the wards but on the management’s staffing of the wards and other de wrt tetraplegics. No differentiation is made between different patients ito staffing. This results in a greater disparity between those patients with severe disabilities and the others. This does little to prepare one for life in society.

If any work-study were to be done on the wards it would show a large difference between the workloads of staff when the number of tetraplegics is varied. This is even more alarming if you are dealing with severely disabled patients (where the amount of time spent dealing with patients dramatically increases).

Small needs: no longer exist, as even insignificant needs become important eg. Cutting ones toenails becomes life threatening if not done timeously.

Emotional/psychological Needs

Aside from the physical care staff do not have the time or training to deal with emotional or psychological needs. To try and separate these into the different aspects is a not always possible or advisable. A human being is a complex mixture of all these elements

Touch and relationships:

The most difficult aspect of emotional change is that of loneliness. This experience (Tetraplegia) is extremely isolating, as one is separated from people, in a tactile sense. Any contact or touch is functional and increases the sense of loneliness. To initiate any physical contact is not possible, at my level, so any form of contact is entirely dependent on others. If the physical disability extends into speech, this widens the sense of loneliness.

This makes disputes with loved ones very difficult to resolve.

This situation is made more frustrating with speaking difficulties and results in much misunderstanding and consequently, strain to the relationship.

Support for the whole person, must include the other family members. This is essential to ensure a complete person will be returned to society.


Mood fluctuations for any medical condition are well documented and understood, it can only be said that I have found it very difficult as:

- I would normally go off and do something to improve my mood.

- My speech was too poor to allow me to express my self or my bad mood in an objective way leading to a further deterioration of the mood.

- I felt incredibly guilty about any bad attitude, because, “people are doing me a favour “ each time I had something done (drink, brushing my teeth or helping me with a phone call).

These feelings became very confusing when I was accused of “monopolising the staff “. I was in real danger of suicide on many of those occasions and I still have feelings of poor self worth as a consequence.

Intellectual stimulation

The inability to use the hands and arms makes me totally reliant on people for any aspect of mental stimulation. I need someone to turn pages, change tapes or disks or simply change channels. This is all manageable if my voice was strong enough to call out when I wanted help but I lived in a silent world where I relied solely on eye contact for any acknowledgement of my presence. So the joy of reading was robbed, likewise all other activities.

The development of internet and computer facilities has helped to alleviate much of the frustration associated with this. Expression and dialog were impossible and remain difficult if not impossible to a meaningful extent. So the world has remained a silent place for me.


The world of paraplegia and tetraplegia is dominated by an over riding sense of fear. There is pitiful help available and I found myself floundering in the treacherous waters not able to and too scared to ask for the help I so badly needed. The system can save your life and simply stand back while your spirit dies.

Getting past these fears is one of my biggest challenges.

Would my children still want to see me?

How long before they got bored with me?

How long will I live?

Would I be able to work?
Will I ever have sex again?

Will I be able to travel?
How will I keep my relationships?


Normal life is full of frustrations every moment of this injury has been fraught with completely basic problems. I think the worst was and still is – poor speech. Having something to say and being unable to be heard or understood is like watching your life on a TV screen.

Daily living

Daily living is a constant fight against severe pain and discomfort, fear and insecurity, the urge to give up and people’s prejudices. The day is dominated by tasks that most of us wouldn’t even mention. Like toiletting and dressing (1-2hrs).

Links with the community

This is the biggest strength of the social care system in the U.K. but it has become its biggest failing in this regard. To save a life and rehabilitate a person back into normal life is what all the fuss is about. It results in a waste of time, money and valuable bed space if the process cannot do so effectively.

Transfer back home

Saturday, 3 March 2007

February 2004
Don’t touch

The emptiness
Deep despair


Laughter Outside
Pain inside

Don’t touch
Don’t hope

Thursday, 1 March 2007

08 March 2004


The memories subliminally slip into focus
Like a mirage you can almost touch


I crawl
To the finish